After a couple months of development and testing, the first beta of the next major version of Post Promoter Pro is ready for wide spread testing. With this release, I aimed to optimize the Twitter Experience. There are few changes, but the main ones are:

Open Ended Tweet Scheduling

No longer are you limited to scheduling only up to 6 Tweets, one each day after the publishing of your post. Now you can endlessly add scheduled Tweets, and schedule multiples in the same day if you wish.

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Unique Twitter Photos

Along side this new open ended sharing, you’ll also notice you can specify a featured image for each Tweet, and not just the one associated with the post! Each scheduled Tweet has the ability to define an image (or leave it blank for just a text Tweet), allowing you to change it up a little with each share.

Twitter Card Support

In the Social Settings you can now enable Twitter Cards, which give a richer experience for those who view your Tweets shared with Post Promoter Pro. Before enabling this, you may want to make sure any SEO plugins you have installed aren’t doing so already. Twitter Cards are only supported on Tweets that do not contain an image attachment, and will use the Featured Image attached to the post Here’s what they look like:

In Timeline

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Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Corrected an issue that caused the Facebook ‘Share As’ to be reset to ‘Me’ after re-authentication
  • Updated the License Management Class
  • Allow a local file containing social media tokens to be used instead of API

Where do I get it?

As before, if your’s hasn’t already, I’ve increased all license keys activation counts to allow users to test on a staging environment before going live. Please use them accordingly. You can download this beta from the Account Page

Don’t have a license yet? Head on over to the Pricing Page and Get Started

Written by Chris Klosowski

Hey, my name is Chris Klosowski, a WordPress plugin developer based out of Queen Creek, Arizona, and the developer of Post Promoter Pro. I am also a Lead Developer for Easy Digital Downloads, a complete eCommerce plugin for selling digital products through WordPress, as well as a WordPress core contributor. I focus mainly on eCommerce and social media-based plugins, but love building small utility plugins when the need arises.

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